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School's starting soon.

School and Blogging

Was thinking about whether I should be one of those guys who blogs on a weekly basis, just as a form of a sanity check.

I think a bigger importance should be placed on what I post here. I initially intended for this site to be a place to talk about my technical and programming progress but now I'm slightly more open to talking about other things that concern my 'personal life'. I guess the comfort came after getting slightly more adapted to the computer, which I did not have much experience with a year ago. I was essentially a technology dino at that point.

Total Recall

Aside from that random thought, I've been in Thailand the past week. To fill my pockets of time while travelling, I've been reading "Total Recall" by Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's been a delightful and well-needed wake up call from my past few weeks of 'sluggish living'. I've taken a couple of lessons from this book (though the lessons are slightly vague because its a biography), and applied it to my personal life. I have a strong belief they'll stick but we'll see.

Outlook and Direction

I'll be lying if I said I'm entering school with a clear career direction because as it stands, I do not have one. Though it seemed alarming at the start, I'm actually quite glad that I am 'directionless'. It has kept me open minded to many different kinds of fields that pique my interest, even if its slight.

I'm looking forward to looking back and cringing at my complete ignoreance.

Anyways, thinking about migrating the blog to another site, the current format is getting kinda old.